Jenkins Pipeline: Unlocking the Power of ScriptPath from ‘Pipeline with SCM’ UI Settings
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Jenkins Pipeline: Unlocking the Power of ScriptPath from ‘Pipeline with SCM’ UI Settings

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Welcome to the world of Jenkins pipelines! As a DevOps enthusiast, you’re probably no stranger to the concept of continuous integration and continuous deployment (CI/CD). Jenkins is an amazing tool that helps you automate and streamline your development workflow, and pipelines are at the heart of it all. In this article, we’ll dive into the world of Jenkins pipelines and explore how to retrieve a string parameter scriptPath from the ‘Pipeline with SCM’ UI settings.

What is a Jenkins Pipeline?

A Jenkins pipeline is a sequence of automated tasks that help you build, test, and deploy your software application. It’s essentially a workflow that consists of multiple stages, each with its own set of steps. These stages can include tasks such as compiling code, running tests, deploying to production, and more. Jenkins pipelines are defined using a Groovy-based syntax, which makes it easy to write and maintain complex workflows.

What is ‘Pipeline with SCM’?

‘Pipeline with SCM’ is a Jenkins feature that allows you to create a pipeline that’s tightly integrated with your source code management (SCM) system. This means you can create a pipeline that automatically pulls code from your repository, compiles it, runs tests, and deploys it to production. ‘Pipeline with SCM’ is a powerful feature that streamlines your development workflow and reduces the risk of human error.

What is scriptPath?

scriptPath is a string parameter that’s used to specify the path to a script file that contains your pipeline code. This script file is used to define the pipeline workflow, including the stages, steps, and other configuration options. scriptPath is an essential parameter that’s required when creating a pipeline with SCM.

Why Do You Need to Get scriptPath from ‘Pipeline with SCM’ UI Settings?

So, why do you need to retrieve scriptPath from the ‘Pipeline with SCM’ UI settings? Well, there are several reasons:

  • You want to automate the pipeline creation process by using a parameterized pipeline script.
  • You need to dynamically switch between different pipeline scripts based on environment or deployment scenarios.
  • You want to retrieve the scriptPath parameter value programmatically and use it in your pipeline script.

How to Get scriptPath from ‘Pipeline with SCM’ UI Settings

Now that we’ve covered the basics, let’s dive into the meat of the article. Here’s a step-by-step guide on how to get scriptPath from the ‘Pipeline with SCM’ UI settings:

  1. Log in to your Jenkins instance and navigate to the ‘New Item’ page.

  2. Select ‘Pipeline’ as the item type and give your pipeline a name.

  3. Select ‘Pipeline with SCM’ as the pipeline type.

  4. In the ‘Pipeline’ section, select the SCM system you’re using (e.g., Git).

  5. In the ‘Script Path’ field, enter the path to your pipeline script file (e.g., Jenkinsfile).

  6. Click the ‘Save’ button to save your pipeline configuration.

  7. Navigate to the ‘Pipeline Syntax’ page by clicking on the ‘Pipeline Syntax’ link in the left-hand menu.

  8. In the ‘Pipeline Syntax’ page, you’ll see a link that says ‘Get parameter definition’. Click on this link.

  9. In the ‘Parameter Definition’ page, you’ll see a list of available parameters. Look for the ‘scriptPath’ parameter.

  10. Click on the ‘scriptPath’ parameter to view its details.

  11. In the ‘scriptPath’ parameter details page, you’ll see the ‘Default Value’ field. This is where you’ll find the scriptPath value.

Example: Using scriptPath in a Jenkinsfile

Here’s an example of how you can use the scriptPath parameter in a Jenkinsfile:

pipeline {
  agent any

  parameters {
    string(name: 'scriptPath', defaultValue: 'path/to/script/file.groovy', description: 'Path to the pipeline script file')

  stages {
    stage('Build') {
      steps {
        // Use the scriptPath parameter to load the pipeline script
        load script: "${scriptPath}"


In this article, we’ve covered the basics of Jenkins pipelines, ‘Pipeline with SCM’, and scriptPath. We’ve also walked through a step-by-step guide on how to retrieve the scriptPath parameter value from the ‘Pipeline with SCM’ UI settings. By following these instructions, you can automate your pipeline creation process, dynamically switch between different pipeline scripts, and retrieve the scriptPath parameter value programmatically.

Troubleshooting Tips

If you’re having trouble retrieving the scriptPath parameter value, here are some troubleshooting tips to help you out:

  • Make sure you’ve saved your pipeline configuration before trying to retrieve the scriptPath value.
  • Verify that the scriptPath parameter is correctly configured in your pipeline script.
  • Check the Jenkins logs for any error messages related to the scriptPath parameter.
  • Try using the ‘Get parameter definition’ link in the ‘Pipeline Syntax’ page to verify that the scriptPath parameter is available.

Frequently Asked Questions

Here are some frequently asked questions related to getting scriptPath from ‘Pipeline with SCM’ UI settings:

What is the purpose of scriptPath in a Jenkins pipeline? The scriptPath parameter specifies the path to a script file that contains the pipeline code.
How do I configure scriptPath in a Jenkins pipeline? You can configure scriptPath in the ‘Pipeline’ section of the ‘Pipeline with SCM’ UI settings.
Can I use scriptPath with other pipeline types? No, scriptPath is only available with the ‘Pipeline with SCM’ pipeline type.
How do I retrieve the scriptPath value programmatically? You can retrieve the scriptPath value using the ‘Get parameter definition’ link in the ‘Pipeline Syntax’ page.

We hope this article has been helpful in explaining how to get scriptPath from ‘Pipeline with SCM’ UI settings. If you have any further questions or need more clarification, please don’t hesitate to ask!

Frequently Asked Question

Wondering how to access a string parameter in a Jenkins pipeline? You’re not alone! Here are some frequently asked questions and answers about getting a script path from ‘Pipeline with SCM’ UI settings.

How do I access a string parameter in a Jenkins pipeline?

You can access a string parameter in a Jenkins pipeline by using the `params` directive. For example, if you have a string parameter named `scriptPath`, you can access its value using `params.scriptPath`. Make sure to define the parameter in the pipeline’s UI settings under the ‘This project is parameterized’ section.

Where can I find the ‘Pipeline with SCM’ UI settings in Jenkins?

To access the ‘Pipeline with SCM’ UI settings, follow these steps: navigate to your Jenkins project, click on the ‘Configure’ button, and then select the ‘Pipeline’ tab. From there, you can find the ‘Pipeline with SCM’ section, where you can define your string parameter.

Can I use a string parameter in a Jenkins pipeline script?

Absolutely! You can use a string parameter in a Jenkins pipeline script by accessing its value using the `params` directive, as mentioned earlier. For example, you can use `params.scriptPath` to inject the value of the `scriptPath` parameter into your script.

How do I define a string parameter in the ‘Pipeline with SCM’ UI settings?

To define a string parameter in the ‘Pipeline with SCM’ UI settings, follow these steps: click on the ‘This project is parameterized’ checkbox, and then click on the ‘Add Parameter’ button. Select ‘String Parameter’ from the dropdown menu, and then enter a name and default value for your parameter. Finally, click ‘Save’ to save your changes.

Can I use environment variables to access a string parameter in a Jenkins pipeline?

Yes, you can! In addition to using the `params` directive, you can also access a string parameter as an environment variable in your Jenkins pipeline script. To do so, use the `env.` prefix followed by the parameter name, like this: `env.SCRIPT_PATH`. This allows you to inject the value of the parameter into your script using environment variables.

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