Why do I get a parallel sequential scan even if I create an index and try to force an index scan?
Image by Olexei - hkhazo.biz.id

Why do I get a parallel sequential scan even if I create an index and try to force an index scan?

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Have you ever found yourself in a situation where you’ve carefully crafted an index, forced an index scan, and yet, the query optimizer still decides to perform a parallel sequential scan? You’re not alone! In this article, we’ll dive into the reasons behind this phenomenon and provide you with actionable tips to overcome it.

Understanding the Query Optimizer

Before we dive into the main topic, it’s essential to understand how the query optimizer works. The query optimizer is a critical component of any database management system that determines the most efficient execution plan for a given query. Its primary goal is to minimize the time it takes to execute the query while ensuring accurate results.

The query optimizer considers various factors, including:

  • Index availability and quality
  • Table statistics
  • Query complexity
  • System resources (CPU, memory, and I/O)

When you create an index, you’re providing the query optimizer with additional information to help it make an informed decision about the execution plan. However, this doesn’t guarantee that the optimizer will always choose to use the index.

Reasons for Parallel Sequential Scans

So, why does the query optimizer sometimes choose a parallel sequential scan over an index scan, even when you’ve created an index and tried to force an index scan? Here are some possible reasons:

  1. Index quality: If the index is not well-maintained, outdated, or fragmented, the optimizer may decide that a parallel sequential scan is more efficient.
  2. Table size and statistics: If the table is very small or has inaccurate statistics, the optimizer may not see the benefit of using an index.
  3. Query complexity: Complex queries with multiple joins, subqueries, or aggregate functions may lead the optimizer to choose a parallel sequential scan.
  4. System resource constraints: If the system is experiencing high CPU, memory, or I/O utilization, the optimizer may opt for a parallel sequential scan to reduce the load.
  5. Parallel query execution: If the query is being executed in parallel, the optimizer may choose a parallel sequential scan to take advantage of multiple CPU cores.

Forcing an Index Scan

Now that we’ve explored the reasons behind parallel sequential scans, let’s discuss how to force an index scan. There are two common methods:

Using the INDEX HINT

You can use the INDEX hint to specify the exact index you want the optimizer to use. The syntax varies depending on the database management system, but here’s an example using MySQL:

SELECT * FROM my_table FORCE INDEX (my_index) WHERE column = 'value';

Keep in mind that the INDEX hint is not a guarantee, and the optimizer may still choose a different execution plan.

Using the OPTIMIZE TABLE Command

The OPTIMIZE TABLE command can help maintain and update index statistics, which can improve the optimizer’s decision-making process. Here’s an example using MySQL:


This command can help the optimizer recognize the benefits of using an index, but it’s essential to note that it’s not a direct way to force an index scan.

Best Practices for Index Maintenance

To ensure that your indexes are in top shape, follow these best practices:

  • Regularly update statistics: Run the OPTIMIZE TABLE or ANALYZE TABLE command to keep index statistics up-to-date.
  • Rebuild and reorganize indexes: Periodically rebuild or reorganize indexes to maintain their quality and efficiency.
  • Monitor index fragmentation: Keep an eye on index fragmentation and take corrective action when necessary.
  • Use the correct index type: Choose the right index type (e.g., B-Tree, Hash, or Text) based on the column’s data type and query patterns.
  • Avoid over-indexing: Don’t create too many indexes, as this can lead to maintenance overhead and decreased performance.


In conclusion, getting a parallel sequential scan even when creating an index and trying to force an index scan is not uncommon. By understanding the query optimizer’s decision-making process and addressing potential issues, you can improve the chances of getting an index scan.

Remember to:

  • Maintain high-quality indexes
  • Regularly update statistics
  • Avoid over-indexing
  • Monitor system resource utilization
  • Use the correct index type

By following these guidelines and adjusting your indexing strategy accordingly, you’ll be better equipped to tackle parallel sequential scans and optimize your database performance.

Best Practice Description
Regularly update statistics Run the OPTIMIZE TABLE or ANALYZE TABLE command to keep index statistics up-to-date.
Rebuild and reorganize indexes Periodically rebuild or reorganize indexes to maintain their quality and efficiency.
Monitor index fragmentation Keep an eye on index fragmentation and take corrective action when necessary.
Use the correct index type Choose the right index type (e.g., B-Tree, Hash, or Text) based on the column’s data type and query patterns.
Avoid over-indexing Don’t create too many indexes, as this can lead to maintenance overhead and decreased performance.

With persistence and attention to detail, you can overcome the challenges of parallel sequential scans and unlock the full potential of your indexes.

Frequently Asked Question

Are you scratching your head wondering why your database isn’t using that shiny new index you created?

Q1: I created an index, but the query still uses a parallel sequential scan. Why?

A1: Ah, don’t worry! This might happen when the cost of using the index is higher than the cost of a sequential scan. Yes, you read that right – sometimes, using an index can be more expensive than scanning the entire table! The database optimizer makes this decision based on various factors, including table statistics, available memory, and query complexity. To force an index scan, you can try reordering the columns in the index, updating table statistics, or using query hints.

Q2: But I thought I forced the index scan using a query hint. Why didn’t it work?

A2: Good job on trying to force the issue! However, query hints can be overridden by the database optimizer if it thinks it has a better plan. This might happen if the hint is too aggressive or the optimizer has newer, more accurate statistics that contradict the hint. Double-check your hint syntax and make sure it’s not being ignored or overridden. You can use the query execution plan to verify if the hint is being applied correctly.

Q3: Is it possible that my index is not selective enough to be useful?

A3: You’re on the right track! If your index is not selective enough, the database might decide that it’s not worth using. Index selectivity measures how well the index can filter out unwanted rows. If the index is too broad or includes too many duplicate values, the database might opt for a sequential scan instead. Check your index columns and consider creating a more selective index or adding additional columns to make it more effective.

Q4: Could it be that the parallel sequential scan is actually faster in my case?

A4: You’re thinking like a database optimizer! Yes, it’s possible that the parallel sequential scan is actually the most efficient plan for your query, especially if you have a large table or a powerful server. The database optimizer considers various factors, including CPU, memory, and I/O resources, to choose the best plan. If the parallel sequential scan is indeed faster, then the database optimizer is doing its job correctly!

Q5: What can I do to improve the chances of using an index scan instead of a parallel sequential scan?

A5: To increase the chances of using an index scan, make sure your index is well-maintained, up-to-date, and selective. Regularly update table statistics, rebuild or reorganize your index, and consider creating covering indexes or indexed views. Additionally, simplify your query, avoid using functions or complex calculations in the WHERE clause, and test different query variations to find the most efficient one. By following these best practices, you’ll be well on your way to optimizing your queries and making the most of your indexes!